
A referendum is a ballot in which all the SU members are entitled to cast a vote. When we hold a referendum, all Falmouth University and University of Exeter Cornwall students have the opportunity to vote on an important next step for the Students’ Union.
'Vote' spelled out with scrabble keys

What is a referendum?

In line with our governance, a referendum is an all-member vote. When we hold a referendum, all Falmouth University and University of Exeter Cornwall students have the opportunity to vote on an important next step for the Students’ Union.

A referendum can be called for a number of reasons and in different ways, but the key element is that it’s an online vote for all our members to decide the outcome of a pressing topic.

With our last referendum, for example, it was all about how, in order to continue on our transformational journey, we need to become ‘Incorporated’ and update our constitution. 

A referendum is a ballot in which all the SU members are entitled to cast a vote and can be called on any issue in the following ways:

  • A resolution of the Trustees
  • A majority vote of the Student Council
  • A secure petition signed by at least 100 student members

If you are thinking about submitting a proposal for a referendum, you should first speak to our Student Voice team to make sure that it is the best option for taking your idea forward. There may be other ways that are more effective, such as Make a Change or getting in touch with your SU Presidents.

The Student Voice team will work with you to complete a Referendum Proposal form and include the specific text of the proposal to be put to the membership for voting. It must also include the names and contact details of two Members who will act as proposer and seconder of the proposal.

Please review our Constitution and Bye-law 7 for more information about referenda.

Referenda Proposal Form


What happens once I complete the proposal form?

The Student Voice team will be in touch with you to talk through your proposal and the rules of a referendum. The content of your proposal will influence the next steps as there may be a more effective route to present your idea.

Who can I talk to at The SU?

  Our Student Voice team are the real experts on all things referenda. They would love to chat to you if you'd like any more answers or help understanding how a referendum works within our wider SU democracy. You can email them on


Recent referenda

Should the Trustees proceed with the proposal to Incorporate Falmouth and Exeter Students' Union?

12th – 15th October 2020

We would like to take this opportunity to say a massive thank you to all our members who have voted in our recent SU Referendum.

This plays a big part in how we continue on our transformational journey as a membership-led organisation with democracy at the centre of our functions. Thank you for voting and talking to us!

This work is just another reminder of how important your voice is in directing the shape of your Students’ Union. Your engagement with voting directly impacts what we do and what we stand for – so we really value your contribution to helping us best represent you!

We had over 290 voters take part in our referendum question asking, “Should our trustees proceed with the resolution to incorporate Falmouth and Exeter Students’ Union?” The majority vote, overwhelmingly, was a vote for “yes”! This will help us progress our next steps in our transformational journey to making your Students’ Union work better for you.

Now we have concluded the referendum results, the resolution will progress, and we will work alongside our Trustees and Charity Commission to take the active next steps to change our charitable status.

Falmouth & Exeter Students' Union logo

Falmouth & Exeter Students' Union
Penryn Campus
Penryn, Cornwall
TR10 9FE

© Falmouth & Exeter Students' Union 2021

Falmouth & Exeter Students’ Union is a charitable incorporated organisation (CIO) registered in England and Wales, charity number 1193045