Vice President

This position represents all Falmouth University and University of Exeter (Cornwall Campuses) students.
Fina Day, Vice President


Hey all, I’m Fina (they/them) one of your Vice Presidents for 2024/25! I am recent zoology graduate originally from Northampton, Massachusetts. As a queer international student, I am passionate that everyone on campus should feel included, safe, and like they belong. This year I aim to combine my passions for conservation and the natural world with my strong beliefs surrounding inclusion, mental health support, and amplified minority voice. When not in the office you are likely to find me wandering barefoot through gardens, out on the water rowing, or cuddled up with a cup of tea and a crochet project. I am always down for a stroll around campus, or a hot drink so please don’t hesitate to come find me with any issues or just for a chat!

- Fina Day (They/Them)

News & updates

Roles & responsibilities

  • Represent student views to the Students’ Union, Falmouth University, the University of Exeter (Cornwall Campus), FX Plus, local and national bodies.
  • To consult with the student members, both formally and informally, and represent their interests appropriately.
  • To be a Sabbatical Trustee of the Students’ Union ensuring the organisation is fulfilling its charitable purpose.
  • Lead, campaign and develop priority campaigns on which effect all student members.
  • To support the Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion projects, ensuring all student voices are heard within the Students’ Union and universities.
  • Work closely with the other Sabbatical Officers on joint priority campaigns to improve the student experience.
  • Work closely with President Falmouth and President Exeter, jointly working on projects and be the recognised delegate for both Presidents.

Manifesto priorities 2023/24

To be updated - stay tuned!

Falmouth & Exeter Students' Union logo

Falmouth & Exeter Students' Union
Penryn Campus
Penryn, Cornwall
TR10 9FE

© Falmouth & Exeter Students' Union 2021

Falmouth & Exeter Students’ Union is a charitable incorporated organisation (CIO) registered in England and Wales, charity number 1193045