
If you're keen to nominate yourself for a sabbatical officer role, all the information you might need to know is here. From voting dates and election rules to helpful guidance on visas for international students and creating your campaign.
Graphic for Sabbatical Elections 2025.

Sabbatical officers run the Students' Union. It is a paid role that is responsible for the strategic direction of the union and has trustee responsibilities for the charity.

What does a sabbatical officer do?

Whether you want to make meaningful change, gain unique work experience for your CV, develop skills in public speaking and negotiation, or want to learn more about how a charity works, being a sabbatical officer is a unique experience that will make you stand out.

There are four positions available for election:

Nominate now

If you've made it here, you likely want to nominate yourself for a role in the election.

Before you nominate, please read all of the role descriptions carefully. They are listed above this section.

By nominating yourself, you agree to the rules and regulations of the election.

You must attend one candidate briefing to run in the election. These take place on:

  • 4pm-5pm Wednesday 19 February
  • 12pm-1pm Thursday 20 February
  • 4pm-5pm Thursday 20 February

If you are not available for any of these sessions, please email the Deputy Returning Officer who oversees the running of the election as soon as possible to discuss potential alternative arrangements.

You don't have to submit your priority immediately, you should be able to return to this page to edit until 12pm on Thursday 13 February. After this date, you will not be able to edit your election profile and any edits to your priority will need to be made by the Deputy Returning Officer.

Sabbatical Officer Elections 2025

This election is for the sabbatical officer roles at Falmouth and Exeter Students' Union. These roles are full-time paid positions that lead the union, work as Trustees to the charity, and work on student priorities throughout the academic year. One term of this role is one year.

4 posts are up for election.

Nominations open at 12:00 on Monday 13 January 2025 (in 2 hours and 6 minutes)

The polls open at 12:00 on Monday 24 February 2025 (in 6 weeks and 0 days)

Post List
Read more about the positions up for election and what each role entails.

How do I get the job?

You get the job through the most unique interview you'll ever experience: an election.

You will need to plan one priority that you'd like to achieve during your year as a sabbatical officer and be able to explain how you plan to achieve that priority.

Once the campaigning period begins, you can talk to students about your priority and ask them if they'll vote for you. You might want to buy or prepare items to support your campaign, like posters, sweets to give out, or campaign t-shirts for you and any friends who want to help you get votes for the role.

To support you as a candidate The SU reimburses all expenses of sabbatical elections candidates, up to the set budget of £80. Candidates can not spend more than £80.

Key dates

Nominations open 12pm Monday 13 January to 12pm Thursday 13 February
Priority submission deadline 12pm Wednesday 19 February
Candidate briefing (you must be able to attend one of the briefing sessions to run in the election) 4pm-5pm Wednesday 19 February, 12pm-1pm Thursday 20 February, 4pm-5pm Thursday 20 February
Candidate announcement and campaigning begins 12pm Friday 21 February
Voting open 12pm Monday 24 February to 12pm Thursday 27 February
Results announced 4pm Thursday 27th February
Candidate wellbeing day 10am to 3pm Friday 28 February


Key information for candidates


The following information and rules apply to the SU President Elections and have been approved by the Returning Officer*:

  • A representative from NUS will act as the Returning Officer (RO).
  • The SU Head of Engagement will act as Deputy Returning Officer (DRO).

Candidates will campaign on a priority which will need to be submitted for approval by the Returning Officer by the end of the nomination period. Your priority will be the focus of your time as a sabbatical officer. You won’t just be working on this though, as there will be plenty of issues you will need to be working on alongside your team when you get elected.

All candidates are expected to abide by the Election Rules and Regulations, the SU Constitution and its Byelaws and the relevant University regulations and policies.

Upon submitting your online nomination, you will be asked to complete a short survey, collecting demographic data to get a better understanding for engagement. This information will remain anonymous. You have the option to opt out of this, but this information would help us to continue exploring our diversity narrative regarding our Officer elections.


Voting is open from 12pm Monday 24 February 2025 to 12pm Thursday 27 February 2025.

  • Voting shall be by single transferable vote
  • Voting will be via The SU website
  • Only current students of Falmouth University or The University of Exeter Cornwall Campuses, who are full members of The SU, are eligible to vote in the SU Elections and can do so only once for each position.
  • Each student should be allowed to decide on their own voting choices and should not feel forced, pressured, or coerced into their voting decisions.
  • Each student vote should be their own and not of a third party.
  • Voting must be confidential.
  • Candidates and/or their campaign teams may not pressurise students into voting, nor may they check who students have voted for or keep a record of votes cast.

Rules and regulations

It is impossible to provide a set of rules and regulations to cover every potential scenario that could happen during an election campaign. When investigating conduct, incidents or complaints, the Deputy Returning Officer and Returning Officer will make a judgement based on the following ethos: All candidates must conduct themselves in a ‘free and fair’ manner that reflects the values and policies of the Students’ Union and the regulations set out in the relevant University’s guidelines. If in doubt, we advise you to run your campaign ideas past the Deputy Returning Officer before you put them into action. The following rules and regulations are correct as of December 2024 and may be subject to change.

1. General

The elections will be overseen by the Returning Officer. The Returning Officer will delegate responsibility to the Deputy Returning Officer.

Both individuals are empowered to investigate any matters related to the election, infringement of election rules or complaints regarding candidate or campaign team conduct. If they find that there has been an infringement, they may:

  • Warn the candidate that any future infringement will result in a campaigning ban or disqualification
  • Issue a campaigning ban
  • Disqualify the candidate

Names will appear on ballot papers as per the candidate’s University registration, unless a candidate specifies otherwise, and this is granted by the Deputy Returning Officer.

2. Guiding principles

All candidates are expected to comply with the following guiding principles:

  • candidates must treat other candidates, students and members of the public with respect.
  • candidates must respect the campus environment and the local area they live in.
  • candidates will not act in such a way as to bring the elections process, the Union or the University into disrepute.
  • candidates’ campaigns should be fully transparent and accountable to the Union.
  • candidates must not do anything to gain an unfair advantage.
  • candidates must not undermine the fair and democratic running of elections.
  • candidates must not seek sponsorship for this election.
  • candidates must not use electronic devices when soliciting votes and voters should vote on their own devices.
  • candidates must not break any general union and University/College rules and regulations. This also includes the Law

3. Elections

Campaigning Dates will be set and published for the start of campaigning. Upon nominating themselves as a candidate via the nomination form, all candidates will agree to the Guiding principles and the rules and regulations and their campaign teams are also bound by these.

All candidates will be provided with briefing information by the Deputy Returning Officer and other relevant staff members. No campaigning, physical or online, can begin until Friday 21 February 2025 at 12pm. Any campaigning prior to this could lead to a candidate being removed from the election.

Campaigning could include emails to multiple students, asking sports clubs or societies or SSLC/Gs to endorse you, posting on social media or putting up posters around campus. Campaigning does not include inviting individuals to join your campaign team.

The Students’ Union will provide a number of physical ballot stations on campus during the voting period. An exclusion zone for campaigning around these will be made clear to all candidates.

Candidates will be able to upload a photo to the website that will be displayed on the ballot. Candidates are allowed one clear priority and one outline of their ideas and skills that will help them to achieve that priority. The word limit for each of these responses are a maximum of 100 words for the priority and a maximum of 300 words for ideas and skills.

All activity undertaken by candidates during campaigning, including manifestos and accompanying promotional material should be in line with the Students’ Union’s values and Members’ Code of Conduct.

Campaign materials (e.g., posters, banners, social media posts/graphics) must not include branding, brand assets or variance to a brand from any of the partnership institutions, including Falmouth University, The University of Exeter, FXPlus or the Students’ Union.

Permission should be obtained from the relevant University and/or department, before placing any posters/banners etc. around managed areas of the campuses. Candidates must ensure that all publicity are removed from all campus locations within 24 hours of voting closing.

Campaigning is strictly forbidden in the following areas:

  • Any library
  • Any active teaching space (unless permitted by the relevant academic)
  • Email lists (i.e., mass email)

Employees of the SU, the Universities and FXPlus, who are not students, should remain impartial at all times. This includes (but is not limited to), not sending out communications on behalf of individual candidates, not wearing any candidate campaign merchandise and not verbally endorsing individual candidates in taught sessions.

Societies, Clubs, SSLCs/SSLGs must cast a vote amongst their membership to endorse candidates, and, if passed, may then use their communication channels to promote them.

3. Finances

The maximum amount of money for a campaign budget is £80, this is reimbursed by the Union on submission of full receipts.

Financial declaration forms (including all receipts) must be submitted to the Deputy Returning Officer by 10am on Thursday 24 February 2025. Any queries will be investigated as required.

 4. Complaints

All complaints must be submitted within 24 hours of the alleged incident, by 1pm on Thursday 24 February 2025 at the latest, via an email to and must include the following information:

  • Name and contact details of person making complaint (anonymous complaints will not be considered)
  • Name of person being complained about
  • Details of incident (including time and date)
  • Details of any witnesses
  • Details of which rules have been broken
  • Attachments of any evidence (where appropriate)

All complaints will be investigated by the Deputy Returning Officer, who will consider the facts and make an appropriate decision. This ruling will be communicated to all parties involved and included in the annual Returning Officer’s Elections Report.

Any decisions made by the Deputy Returning Officer can be appealed via the NUS Appeals form which will send your appeal to the Returning Officer.

Any decisions made by the Returning Officer are final.

All complaints must be received within one hour of voting closing (by 1pm on Thursday 24 February). Any complaints considered after this time will not be investigated as part of the elections process (although they may be considered under the disciplinary procedure outlined in the Students’ Union Constitution).

5. Additional information

A student may only submit one valid online nomination and must be a full member of the Students’ Union to be eligible.

All nominees for the President Falmouth role and Vice President Falmouth role, must be a current student at Falmouth University.

All nominees for the President Exeter role and Vice President Exeter role, must be a current student of the University of Exeter Cornwall Campuses.

Trustee Eligibility

The successful candidates will be expected to become Trustees of Falmouth and Exeter Students’ Union and are therefore required to meet eligibility and responsibility expectations. It is expected that candidates are not prevented from acting as a trustee because they:

  • have an unspent conviction from one or more the offences listed here
  • have an IVA, debt relief order and/or a bankruptcy order
  • have been removed as a Trustee in England, Scotland or Wales (by the Charity Commission or Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator)
  • have been removed from being in the management or control of any body in Scotland (under relevant legislation) or have been disqualified by the Charity Commission
  • have been disqualified by the charity commission
  • are a disqualified company director
  • are a designated person for the purposes of anti-terrorism legislation
  • are on the sex offenders register
  • have been found in contempt of court for making (or causing to be made) a false statement
  • have been found guilty of disobedience to an order or direction of the Charity Commission

Right to work in the UK

Candidates, if elected, will become employees of The SU. It is expected that they have a right to work in the UK. Documentation will be required to prove your right to work. A full list of valid documents is available on GOV.UK.

If you are an international student and have queries about Visa eligibility, please contact

Information can also be found at the following places locations:

Equality and diversity statement

The Falmouth & Exeter Students’ Union (The Students’ Union) has a policy on Equality & Diversity and this can be accessed on our website.

The Students’ Union is committed to promoting equality of opportunity and eliminating any unlawful or unfair discrimination and harassment in the Sabbatical Officer Elections.

We are committed to providing equality of opportunity for all, irrespective of:

  • Age
  • Disability
  • Ethnicity
  • Gender
  • Gender reassignment
  • Religion and belief Sexual orientation
  • Marriage and civil partnership
  • Pregnancy and maternity

Under the Equality Act (2010), these are known as protected characteristics.

The Purpose of this statement is to:

  • Value diversity and promote equality of opportunity and between groups.
  • Promote respect and encourage good relations within and between groups.
  • Promote an inclusive and harmonious place of work where is mutual respect and where harassment and bullying, intimidation or violence is not tolerated.
  • Prevent unlawful discrimination and victimisation.
  • Comply with our legal obligations.

The Students’ Union will take seriously any breach of this policy. Everyone is required to promote a culture free from illegal discrimination and all forms of harassment and bullying.

Any incidents of discrimination, harassment or bullying will be investigated and may provide grounds for disciplinary action or dismissal. We will work to ensure that all our students, employees, trustees and visitors, as well as those who apply or seek to apply to work with us, are treated fairly and are not subjected to discrimination by The Students’ Union on the grounds of any of the protected characteristics listed above.

The Students’ Union will take any complaints of discrimination, harassment or victimisation seriously and they will be dealt with in accordance with agreed procedures. Any student who believes they have suffered any form of discrimination, harassment or victimisation should report this to the Chief Executive Officer. The Students’ Union will make every effort to ensure complaints are dealt with promptly and victimisation of the complainant does.

Sports Club and Societies Endorsements

As an affiliated Society or Club with the Students’ Union, you can have a large influence on campus, and we understand that you may wish to use this influence to support a particular outcome in the sabbatical officer elections. This endorsement process is the perfect chance to get your group involved in the running of your Students’ Union. In order to make sure our elections remain fair and transparent; we have created this guidance to outline what your Students’ Union deems best practice in endorsements.

Endorsing a candidate means that as a student group, you believe they would be a good candidate for the role, and your group supports what they are standing for (their manifesto). What this means in principle, is you can use your platforms to openly support the candidate. Endorsements must take place in Student Group owned social media spaces I.e., your Instagram account, and in official means of Student Group communication I.e., emails or newsletters. Any Student Group endorsing a candidate, should review the Elections rules found on the SU website.

Student groups can endorse as many candidates as they wish if the endorsement is decided on in a democratic, free and fair manner.

Please note SURF Radio and the Falmouth Anchor must remain impartial due to the nature of their platforms and the opportunity to engage with the wider Elections.

So, what do you need to do?

  1. Decide if as a group, you want to consider endorsing any candidates – if you don’t, then you can ignore this process. You must not publicly endorse until candidates have been formally announced (Friday 21 February 2025).
  2. You must hold a democratic meeting or conversation with your members to discuss if/who you endorse.
  3. You can endorse as many candidates as your group deems appropriate.
  4. Associate members should not take part in the vote.
  5. There must be a majority agreement of the members. If a candidate(s) is a member of the group, the decision should be made without the presence or influence of the candidate(s) in question. To vote in a meeting, the candidate/s would need to leave the meeting and a vote should be done verbally or by the hands-up function if meeting virtually.
  6. It is recommended that associate members who are staff of either University, the SU, or FX Plus remain impartial regardless of any endorsements their club / society may have chosen.
  7. Any form of endorsements as listed above, cannot begin until official campaigning begins, which is 12pm on Friday 21 February 2025.

SSLC/G Endorsements

As a Representative SSLC/G you can have a large influence on campus. Endorsing a candidate in The SU’s sabbatical officer elections means that as a student Committee/Group, you believe they would be a good candidate for the role, and your Committee/Group supports what they are standing for (their manifesto). What this means in principle is you can use your public platforms to openly support the candidate. This endorsement process is the perfect chance to get your Committee/Group involved in the running of your Students’ Union. In order to make sure our elections remain fair and transparent; we have created this guidance to outline what your Students’ Union deems best practice in endorsements.

It is recommended that staff of either University, the SU, or FX Plus remain impartial regardless of any endorsements their SSLC/G may have chosen as only student members can vote in the Sabbatical Officer Elections.

Your SSLC/G can endorse as many candidates as the group deems appropriate.

We suggest that you notify the Chair to add this to the agenda or request 5 minutes at the end of the meeting to hold a vote. If you don’t have an SSLC/G in the diary you can speak to your subject chair about having an informal meeting.

Endorsements must take place in SSLC/G owned social media spaces I.e., Instagram pages, and in official and usual means of SSLC/G communication I.e., emails or newsletters.

You may write a testimonial or statement from your SSLC/G that the candidate can use in their campaign. This may be useful if your SSLC/G wished to endorse a candidate but does not have any public social media spaces.

Any SSLC/G endorsing a candidate, should review the Elections rules found on the SU website.

So, what do you need to do?

  • 1. Decide if as a group, you want to consider endorsing any candidates –if you don’t, then you can ignore this process.
  • 2. You must not endorse until candidates have been formally announced (12pm Friday 21 February 2025) and you can read all candidate manifestos, which can be found on the Students’ Union website.
  • 3. The endorsing process can occur once candidates are announced on Friday 21 February. Good practice is to hold a democratic meeting with your committee/group to discuss if/who you endorse. This can be done within an SSLC/G meeting or without. You can endorse as many candidates as your SSLC/G deems appropriate.
  • 4. Only STUDENT representative members of the SSLC/G can take part in the vote. Staff must remain impartial as per our election rules and guidance.
  • 5. There must be a majority agreement of the committee/group. If a candidate(s) is/are part of the committee/group, the decision should be made without the presence or influence of the candidate(s) in question. To vote in a virtual meeting, the candidate/s would need to leave the meeting and a vote could be done verbally or with the hands-up function.
  • 6. Public announcements of endorsements cannot begin until official campaigning begins, which is 12pm on Friday 21 February 2025.
  • 7. If you have any queries or wish to check anything before publishing / sending, please contact

Candidate workshops

Each of these workshops is created to give you further information and understanding of the sabbatical officer role and support your campaigning during elections week. Every one is free for any student to attend, there is no obligation for attendees to commit to nominating themselves.

Missed a session? Not a problem! You can find the slides from workshops down below.

(Manifesto and Campaigns Workshop)

Nominate yourself!

Sabbatical Officer Elections 2025

This election is for the sabbatical officer roles at Falmouth and Exeter Students' Union. These roles are full-time paid positions that lead the union, work as Trustees to the charity, and work on student priorities throughout the academic year. One term of this role is one year.

4 posts are up for election.

Nominations open at 12:00 on Monday 13 January 2025 (in 2 hours and 6 minutes)

The polls open at 12:00 on Monday 24 February 2025 (in 6 weeks and 0 days)

Post List
Read more about the positions up for election and what each role entails.

Falmouth & Exeter Students' Union logo

Falmouth & Exeter Students' Union
Penryn Campus
Penryn, Cornwall
TR10 9FE

© Falmouth & Exeter Students' Union 2021

Falmouth & Exeter Students’ Union is a charitable incorporated organisation (CIO) registered in England and Wales, charity number 1193045