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President Falmouth: February 2021 Updates

Lizzy Marshall, President Falmouth, provides an update on what she's been working on recently.

president blogpresident falmouth
Lizzy Marshall, President Falmouth Lizzy Marshall, President Falmouth

This term, I made big progress as a result of work strengthening and representing the student voice. Reps and I wrote a letter to the Provost to express our opinions on facilities, extended terms and assessments. The Provost and Falmouth responded with a 2-week extension to the term and assessment. Plus, opening the facilities until 30th June with staff, and over summer with minimal staff. 

In terms of building a collaborative community, we had CoLab user-tested by a group of students over Christmas, and edits have been made to accomodate feedback and improve the platform for student use based on their findings. We produced a code of conduct and FAQs, and have created an intellectual property document in collaboration with QAE at Falmouth. I’m super pleased to announce that CoLab is now LIVE, and we have over 200 student sign ups and some live projects. Check it out and sign up on our CoLab platform page!

I’ve also been working alongside Amelia on changing the SU space to be better situated, working with Charlotte to decolonise the curriculum, seeking student mentor support / student services clarification and working on improving academic representation for Postgraduates at the Penryn Campus. 

Check out the ongoing officer led campaigns at our Presidents' Campaign page, where each campaign is updated regularly. 

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Falmouth & Exeter Students' Union
Penryn Campus
Penryn, Cornwall
TR10 9FE

© Falmouth & Exeter Students' Union 2021

Falmouth & Exeter Students’ Union is a charitable incorporated organisation (CIO) registered in England and Wales, charity number 1193045