Vice President

This position represents all Falmouth University and University of Exeter (Cornwall Campuses) students.
Marketa Carruthers, Vice President


Hi! I'm Marketa (she/her). I've just graduated from a Conservation Biology and Ecology degree here in Penryn and I am passionate about building community and enacting change. In my spare time you might find me crafting with clay, having a groove, on the hunt for an adventure, or trying to stay sane by cycling just about everywhere.

- Marketa Carruthers (She/Her)

News & updates

Roles & responsibilities

  • Represent student views to the Students’ Union, Falmouth University, the University of Exeter (Cornwall Campus), FX Plus, local and national bodies.
  • To consult with the student members, both formally and informally, and represent their interests appropriately.
  • To be a Sabbatical Trustee of the Students’ Union ensuring the organisation is fulfilling its charitable purpose.
  • Lead, campaign and develop priority campaigns on which effect all student members.
  • To support the Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion projects, ensuring all student voices are heard within the Students’ Union and universities.
  • Work closely with the other Sabbatical Officers on joint priority campaigns to improve the student experience.
  • Work closely with President Falmouth and President Exeter, jointly working on projects and be the recognised delegate for both Presidents.

Manifesto priorities

During my time as an SU sabb, I want to ensure our universities are involved in ethical partnerships and are addressing the climate and nature emergency as seriously as they should be, working in line with their net zero targets.

With the current state of society,  extreme weather and food shortages are going to be ever more apparent within our lifetimes, so what are our universities doing to set us up for this scary and uncertain future…? 

That is why I am here to hold our universities accountable. They should be setting the example of what a liveable future looks like for many generations to come and not outright failing to meet their net zero targets, because no matter who we are or where we come from, nature is our lifeforce, and without we cannot thrive nor survive.

To fight for a greener and more just future, here are some of my ideas for change:

  • Building a bigger platform of community and hope 
  • Educating students about a clear pathway to enacting change at university 
  • Increase the proportion of local/vegetarian/vegan food in all catering sectors.
  • Set up permanent space for the swap shop 
  • Replace Starbucks in KOOFI with a fairtrade supplier
  • Lobby the Universities for ethical banking
  • Holding the Universities accountable for not being on track for net zero by 2030.

No one change is ever too small, as collectively we make a big difference. 

I very much look forward to meeting you all and sharing ideas :) #PowerToThePeople

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Falmouth & Exeter Students' Union
Penryn Campus
Penryn, Cornwall
TR10 9FE

© Falmouth & Exeter Students' Union 2021

Falmouth & Exeter Students’ Union is a charitable incorporated organisation (CIO) registered in England and Wales, charity number 1193045