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Term 2 Update from your President Exeter, Connie Chilcott

Please find below a Term 2 update from your President Exeter 23/24, Connie Chilcott.

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Council Away Day:

- For two days at the end of February, Penryn Campus hosted the University of Exeter’s Council, who have strategic oversight on University issues. As part of one of these days, I organised an afternoon student session, where a wide variety of our students attended. It gave them the opportunity to speak their truth as an Exeter student, and truly be listened to. There have been lots of outputs from this session, and Council members were really interested and grateful to hear student perspectives from Cornwall. This sessions is one of the pathways in which students can create meaningful changes in their studies. 

Curriculum for Change Advisory Boards:

- Through collaboration with the University and the Guild in Devon, I’ve set up student advisory boards which input into the Universities Curriculum for Change Project. It allows for students to have an active role in creating their courses in the ways which they believe is most relevant to all students. 

Access and Participation Plan (APP)

- I’ve been collaborating with Alex at the Guild on the Student Submission of the Universities APP. This is a plan which the University is regulated to produce every few years, demonstrating how they increase access and participation among underrepresented and marginalised students. We’re using feedback collected from students to ground and inform the creation of the submission, which will hopefully increase support for the students who need it most. 

Our Free Soup Fridays are still going strong! It’s been great to meet and chat with so many students, and continue feeding the people! Expect this to continue next term and beyond!


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Falmouth & Exeter Students' Union
Penryn Campus
Penryn, Cornwall
TR10 9FE

© Falmouth & Exeter Students' Union 2021

Falmouth & Exeter Students’ Union is a charitable incorporated organisation (CIO) registered in England and Wales, charity number 1193045